Another Day Another Thought


My fingers desire to type and my mind is blank. What should we consider today? The world is how we perceive it. Or is it? I mean, my perception of the world is how I perceive it. But does that make it so? Some say yes. Is that just another perception? is my disagreement with that opinion just my perception? Possibly. 

I believe there is a truth. Its not mine or yours or his, hers, or theirs. There is this world and it is what it is. Then we take billions of people with different minds and thoughts and experiences and we interpret that world within ourselves. That is where our perception and opinions and beliefs come from. So yes, we all have our own truth. And yet, take humanity out of the world and there is still a world left. untouched by our perceptions and opinions. 

I think sometimes, as humans, we have a hard time imagining a world without us. By nature, we interpret our world as one that revolves around us. Some more so then others of course, and yet all of us are the center of our own universe and therefore er into this thinking on some level. I certainly believe life would not go on for my boys if something happened to me. I preserve my life most importantly for them. And yet, if I were to die suddenly somehow someway they would be cared for. Maybe not well, or possibly even better then I am caring for them. And who is to say that experience wouldn’t shape them into exactly who they were meant to be!

lol. okay. Well now I’m off on another topic. Were we meant to be something? Oh goodness the directions our minds can go in once opening up to free flowing thought about the world and our reality. I don’t have a formulated theory/opinion on fate. I think this topic is a little too deep for my brain this morning after a rough night sleep with little ones. But maybe an interesting topic for another day. 

Until Next Time,


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