Thank you Meaghan for your first post and perspective on dating. I want to say, I completely agree. When a man is taking me out on a date, there is something so masculine and attractive about a man that not only pays, but insists on paying. A man that wouldn’t allow a woman to pay. One who takes on that masculine role.
As you said, we are navigating this conversation and thoughts in the midst of a world that doesn’t acknowledge two genders alone. But because I am a female, dating males, this is the perspective I can speak from. Now with that said, I am also aware that I am in the midst of a world that has a population of people that will disagree with this perspective and that’s okay! Maybe you are a feminist and you are insulted that a man would pay for you. Okay, I can hear you. Share your thoughts with us. I would love to hear them. I will not agree to disagree, as I have my own perspective but I can honor yours as well and be open to hearing where you are coming from. Maybe you have an out of the box perspective I haven’t even considered. Please share! I would love to hear it.
But let’s switch gears now to the male perspective on this matter. I can’t speak for men, but what I can do is hold empathy for the world they have grown up in. One with absent fathers and feminists that get mad when they hold the door open for them. I can understand why men are not confident in paying on a date, why they don’t even know they should, or why they might completely reject the idea after paying for countless dates with women who then ghost them.
Our society, in general, has emasculated our men in so many ways. I can hold empathy for men and at the same time say that I am attracted by men that pay and turned off by a man that doesn’t. I mean gosh, Meaghan even went out with a man that ordered his coffee then stepped back and made Meaghan pay for hers and his!
A high value woman, one that will rock your world and worship your very being, is attracted to an alpha male. One that knows how to care for his woman and lead. Not with control and manipulation but by providing for his family well and guiding them to success.
That is my perspective. What is yours?
Until Next Time,
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