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High Value Woman
What is a High Value Woman? I think we may all have our own idea on this. Mine stems from my post earlier today in response to Meaghan and her first post. But first lets look at what I have seen on the internet recently. I have seen this “high value woman” marketed as a…
His Perspective
Thank you Meaghan for your first post and perspective on dating. I want to say, I completely agree. When a man is taking me out on a date, there is something so masculine and attractive about a man that not only pays, but insists on paying. A man that wouldn’t allow a woman to pay.…
First Words of a Journey
I’m not even sure of the direction of this very first blog post. In light of starting a podcast that covers such a broad spectrum of topics. Mental health, motherhood, woman hood, dating, sex, current world events, history, “mythology” (you’ll find out someday why I put that in quotes) and conspiracy theories, approached in the…
What do we talk about today? Thoughts flow but what do they want to hear I ask? What will you read? What will you come back for? Let me take a moment to step back and change those questions. What is on my mind today? What thoughts desire to be written down? What keys do…
11/14/2024 Another day and another opportunity to make this life what I choose it to be. I got lost for a long time in what I saw before me. As if that needed to be the story of me. I was how people treated me, or looked at me, or didn’t look at me. I…
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