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latest blogs

  • The Open Door

    I feel the pain. Mine and yours and everyone’s. Animals and even days where a dying plant can pull on my heart. My mind wanting to infuse life back into it. To see it thrive. To see you and her and him and us. To see it all in beauty and strength with health and…

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  • Avoidant

    I wonder where you are right now and what is on your mind. Are you stressed or filled with joy? Are you thinking of me? Do you wonder if I’m thinking of you? I am. If you read this will you even know it is you I write about? Do you spend your days in…

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  • I Fell In Love

    I’m driving down the road and I notice this deep stillness inside that I never felt before. The stillness is laying on a sea of joy and light. Each breath inviting in more life and each moment filled with curiosity. What is this feeling? The calm amid the storm we call life. Nothing has changed,…

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  • Let’s Talk About Sex

    I have been dying to talk about Sex! Sex sells. Lol. Yes, it does. But why is it still such a taboo topic? I think mostly because it can be used to defile and destroy others. Because we can use it in a way that hurts and causes mental, emotional and physical illness. So many…

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  • Let Me Love You

    I know you hurt inside. I know you stay busy so you won’t ever feel it. You keep going so your thoughts never have time to take hold of you and overcome you. Thoughts of insecurity and need. Thoughts of your desires that you don’t believe will ever be fulfilled and you won’t ever be…

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